Cient Logo Animation Reel
Logos I animated for clients.
Parody Logo Reel
Animated logos parodying major brands. I made this to promote my logo animation business.
Erlybird Logo Animation
One of my favorite logo animations. This was for a Kickstarter-like company that allows consumers to make micro-investments in startups in exchange for discounts and rewards.
Charles Schwab Holiday e-Greeting Card Animation
I designed and animated this cute video based on thumbnails provided by the client. We did 2 versions: the final version used Frank Sinatra-esque music and classic dance moves to appeal more to Schwab's customer base. This early version is still my favorite.
Lenscrafters Branded Eye Exam Reminder - "Examine Your Eyes Society"
I wrote, produced, and animated this comical short for Lenscrafters. I believe it is used in locations nationwide.
Giulioni Property Management & Real Estate Investors (Logo Design)
Some design documents from a recent logo commission. The G expresses a thriving, diverse portfolio. The final version (the last image), uses red and blue to distinguish the two branches and signify strength and stability.
Logo Design Gallery
Logos I designed for various clients and businesses. Repeats are multiple versions provided to the client for review, or related businesses.
"Alamoji" - Emoji designs for San Antonio Tourism
I designed this set of 54 San Antonio-themed emoji for a promotional app. They're a lot of fun to use!

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